Thursday, May 31, 2012
Sculptural Hats
I've been working on how to put together my ideas of sculpture, fashion and jewellery. I have for a long time worked on them as separate practices but now to further my ideas I want to play them together. After talking with a milliner the ideas started to flow. She told me how to use sizing to solidify felt and steam to shape it. How far can you take clothing in a sculptural idea before they are no longer clothes but habitats. I want to focus on details with this new work. Embroidery, metal casting and lapidary will all be tools of my trade.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
What Am I Doing
Funny how it takes a couple of days after a show to get back working again. It wasn't exactly physically exhausting except I did go for a long walk in downtown Hamilton wearing heels. Sitting around waiting for people to show up so you can chat with them and possible make a sale is mentally exhausting. I have never found it easy talking with people but I am getting much better. I've really had to work at it. Most people will say that it is easier to talk about someone else's work but people really want to talk to the maker. As we know we aren't just selling art we're selling ourselves, our life style, our ideas and thoughts..... Back to the rabbit. What's with that picture? About a month before the studio tour I was working on some wax rabbits. I left them to get some dresses made. Now that I'm back ready to set up the foundry again, I hope I won't be derailed. The only problem might be is that I'm my worst enemy. I can derail myself in no time flat. "squirrel" Look at that shiny object over there. Maybe I can make those too.!. Back to the rabbits. The rabbits will be cast in bronze and used .......
to be continued.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
The Girls Hard At Work
This is what a clothing studio use to look like before everyone sent their work off shore. The almighty buck shouldn't be the thing that influences your decision. "Guess how little I paid" shouldn't be the first thing out of your mouth when someone compliments you on your new purchase. Unfortunately the idea of getting things as cheap as possible has almost been ingrained into our psyche. The store that shall not be named, (I actually don't say it's name and never shop there), has been trying to convince us that we need lots of stuff and because they sell it cheap you better buy lots. The one who dies with the most crap accumulated doesn't necessarily win. The one who helps her neighbour keep her job by shopping local is the one that wins. The person who buys that beautifully tailored dress made by the woman in the little shop downtown wins. Buying fewer, well made, locally made dresses may cost you more money upfront but in the long run it will cost you less. Let's all stop buying into this disposable clothing mentality. Buy one thing you love, wear it, enjoy it and bring it out of your closet as often as possible for as long as possible.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Great Painting
Pauline Bradshaw is a painter, a great painter, and is going to have a painting hanging in the Louvre in Paris this summer. Following the pictorial traditions of generations of great painters, Pauline spent many years of intensive study of the old master's drawings and paintings. Pauline was granted rare access to HRH Queen Elizabeth’s private library at Windsor Castle to research and copy selected old master drawings. She along with one other artist from the Simcoe County area were juried into the show this past spring. The painting Pauline submitted was one of pears on a table but the painting I think should of gone is a portrait.
My daughter Cait was in a local restaurant one day when Pauline spotted her. Cait was wearing her cat's eye glasses and a hat which falls somewhere between a pill box and a beret. Pauline ran up to Cait and asked if she could paint her portrait. Cait agreed and a sitting was arranged. Pauline started off by taking photos of Cait. Because of the way she works, very slowly building up colours with tiny paint brushes, Pauline works from photographs.
I'm looking forward to seeing he finished portrait.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
It Was A Great Weekend.
The weather was lovely and the turnout was great. The spring studio tour is over for another year and I am looking forward to going back. My host Terry Osborne makes some of the best wood fired pottery in the country. Her pottery forms exude the passion which is evident in her love for clay when you get her talking about her work. She fires her pottery in a kiln which is heated with wood. It takes anywhere from 36 to 72 hours of feeding wood into an insatiable fire to complete the firing. Usually there are several like minded friends who work together. The flame of the fire licks, stains and colours the pottery leaving a wonderful surface.
Over the weekend I had the pleasure of showing my new clothing line to a whole new audience. I got the best reaction I could ever ask for. I sold some.
My Barrie launch will happen this summer. I promise.......
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Beyond The Valley Studio Tour
I will be joining a few friends at the Beyond the Valley Studio Tour. It runs from 10 am - 5 pm on Saturday May 26 and Sunday May 27.
I will be at Terry Osborne's studio - 4886 Governor's Road, Lynden 519-647-2213. It is #1 on the map.
On the weekend I will have new jewellery and clothing. I have been sitting in front of my sewing machine into the wee hours of the night to get this new collection under way. I am really excited with the work and know you will want a piece or two for your own.
Derek will have his new concrete tables for sale on Terry's front lawn. Along with the tables will be some new garden trellises, bird baths and garden stakes.
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