It's getting down to the crunch time and we can't sit and wait for good weather. Last night I put Tyson to bed early and headed out to my foundry. It had started raining an hour before and the sun had set which meant that I would be casting in the rain under the lights. I was casting silver, which melts faster then bronze, and I only had only 2 flasks. Things went quickly so we didn't get to wet. Today we had 7 flasks of bronze and the weather man said we were going to get heavy rain later on in the day. As the temperature in the kiln was rising and getting close to casting temperature the sun started to peek out from behind the clouds. We were able to get all of the casting done while staying dry and see everything without the aid of a flashlight. I have told my children many, many times as they were growing up "look for the joy in life". Joyful events don't have to be big. They can be having the sunshine come out just at the right time, or have the rain stop just before you go outside to do a task which is much nicer done in dry clothes.
I really like this collection of acorns and would like to know what kind of tree to plant to get a harvest as colourful as this. Better ask Frank because it can't be found in my gardening books.