Yesterday was our second
Art Shindig and a good time was had by all. The event ran in conjunction with Cultural Days Canada which was a country wide series of events which involves Canadians in art making endeavors. It was a federal government initiative to promote the arts. We invited a number of our talented artist friends to come and spend a day working on site creating a new work of art. They worked on their own and in collaboration with fellow artists in their favourite medium. We had painters, sculptors, and musicians. We will be doing this again net year for sure!

Tamara Benoit painting violets. Tam is showing her new work in our gallery right now.
Check out

A lot of conversation and exchange of ideas.

Christina Luck, painter and sculptor, painted images of some of the participants doing what they do.

Derek Martin and Ray Dillard discussing something and according to Derek "it was that big".

Leslie Winemaker and I are collaborating on a project to create a chandelier. Leslie will make the glass components and I will do the rest. We plan to have the first one ready to show by the Christmas season.