Friday, March 5Th, first day of the Artist Project and we have survived, not only survived but had a good time. Many of the artists were walking around asking each other "How's the show going" to reassure themselves that everyone was experiencing the same thing. The show was slow on the sales end but great on the "I'm still here and making art" end. It is so invigorating to talk to others that are working hard to make a living in a similar situation as you. We are an optimistic bunch. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Saturday is always the best day at a show. Saturday is the middle of the weekend. The I don't have to go back to work for two days day and I am going to have fun day because tomorrow I can sleep in and not get up until noon day. My only hope is that as people are out and having fun they come to the show and SPEND SOME MONEY. You must support your local artists so that they can keep making art and make our community a better place to live in. Remember when you go somewhere you don't look at the offices of the local bylaw officer you look at the cultural attractions, museums, galleries, boutiques which are manned, supported or created by your local artists.